found a book in poundland
all about leonardo dicaprio
whilst reading it i thought
"jesus, could you imagine a world without leo??"
I concluded that that just "dusnae bare thinkin aboot".

and the concept for "a life without leo" was born

Exhibition took place in the girls toilets @ The Bun House
pub in Peckham. (now extinct. BOO!)
in 2010
Got some hot bitchez to help me make the porno bunting
which spelt out

"It dusnea bare thinkin aboot"
the exhibition preview night took place on the same night as Leo's birthday, so I decided to celebrate it by having a Leonardo DiCaprio look-a-like competition. The winner received a birthday cake and pressies! BOOM!
With copies of the book I found in poundland about Leo, I cut out all the images of Leo to give you bitchez an idea of what life would be like without Leo in it.
Fuckin awful is what it would be!!
Then there was porno bunting for decoration and also some that spelt out

"It dusnae bare thinking aboot"

some pub regulars complained about the porn. fuck 'em
found some shit smelling titanic-ish perfume in some hot shit pound shop. Thought ma bitchez would luv smellin like shite for the sake of Leo and art.
Some of the contestants for the Leo look-a-like competition below.
we had a gal, a black dude, lots of hairy hipsters. everyone of them worthy of the Leo title and all total babez.

So you had to state which Leonardo DiCaprio character and from which film you thought you most looked like.
and then shout "I'm the king of the world" as loud as you could.


Winner for most lookin like Leo.
Just think "The Departed" and you can kinda see it.
The new (and improved) Leo got a shit hot birthday cake with a mega fuckin happy birthday singing flower candle thing on it. and lotz of shit hot pressie from pound shops. we're talking 3D jesus pictures and cat hologram paper weights. The kinda shit the real Leo would want for his fucking birthday.
Even had some hot slut playing celine dion on her massive recorder looking flute thing. now that's real special.
Shame the prick missed it!

I didn't ask those hunks to get their tops off. these boyz just do that shit for fun.
incase you don't know what the fuck i'm talking about.
see vid below.
Click here for The Bun House exhibition collections. I'm there somewhere. Use your fuckin eyes!

I miss this pub like you wouldn't believe. fuckin tories.