all to be played simultaneously,
within reason. Don't try to click all 3 in a mad hurry.
and all are looped.
but you can watch them individually if you want
dance warm up for exbo opening.
pished! totally pished.

My own mother didn't even recognise me in that get (or GED) up.
Ma bitch Catrin Jeans (total babe) and I won a residency at the Hannah Maclure Centre to be part of the NEoN festival in 2012.
We came up with some shite. Last minute type work type stuff. still the best fuckin thing I've made.

We all know that general rule about art galleries... That the shop bit at the end is the best fuckin thing about art galleries.

So that's what our concept was.
Products over art.
this is the set up.
3 projections. (cannae see that un on the left. but it is there ok!)
then we had the shop on the back wall.
Look at all that crap we made!
made £30 in 30mins. That's a £ an hr.
Had the lights turned down low so yae couldnae tell yae were buying cheap shit at profit prices.

ma sexy till

and some of the hot slutz/hunkz that turned up. bless em!
there's more about this shit on the NEoN webby.

CLICK HERE>>>>>>>>> (.)(.) <<<<< on the tits.